My attempt to make an different project led to some cool results! Instead of copying any old chemistry project I marched forward to make an unique project. In this attempt I made several projects then after making them I scrapped them because they were not upto my standards!
My first attempt was to induce an oscillating reaction of H2O2 and KI using Malonic acid and Mn2+ as catalysts. This reaction is known as Briggs-Rauscher Reaction. The result is a very visually striking reaction as seen in this video
The reaction is actually a series of very complicated sub-reactions. In this reaction we in a way fool the Iodine ions! After spending hours trying to understand the underlying chemistry when I actually got Malonic acid, my teachers asked me to pay Rs1400 for that acid! I had the acid bottle in my hand, I just had to open it and mix it! But who would pay that much for a small acid bottle?!! I would prefer a new pair of shoes! Failure.
After the misadventure with oscillating reaction I wanted to make a breath alcohol analyzer, the one you find with traffic police. And important compound needed for this analyzer was Ceric ammonium nitrate (NH4)2[Ce(NO3)6] and it was available in the chemistry lab! It is expected that the compound will change color from yellow to red, but the compound was already red! It was not going to give any test. Another failure.
Next I tried to make some sedatives. I made Chloretone and chloral. When I tried to make these I would get a nice sleep when I went back home! After sometime I realized that Chloretone is a very volatile solid, the entire yield went up in air! After successfully completing this experiment, I thought this project was not upto my standards! After all we are simply mixing some chemicals and extracting the products! Another Failure.
When it was a free period I went to give company to the other XII's section who were in Physics lab. They were having a demo of Transistors, LED and polarizers etc. The polarizer caught my attention and I played with it in the lab. And then I thought I could use this polarizer to measure optical rotation of active compounds! So I asked R.G. Gupta Sir to lend me that polarizer and he agreed!
I had to use a polarimeter to make the measurement of polarization. Polarimeters usually look like this:-
So obviously our school did not have it. So it was upto me to make my own polarimeter. I took a long gas jar, a petri dish, 2 polarizers, a protractor to measure angles, a stand and a adhesive tape!
After working hard on making it I finally did succeed! My polarimeter looked something like this:-
And for any one who came here just to copy my Chemistry project, don't worry I publish my project here .Press Ctrl+S and save it on your hard drive. Read this project file for all the details. I used glucose and sucrose as optically active substances and tried to optically invert sucrose. Weighing the sugars also took a lot of time. But constructing the polarimeter was very hard. We had to fix accurate reading of the polarimeter on whose basis further observations could be made. The glucose in the above pic looks brown because it has not been purified.
And finally I did succeed to make a high tech project!
My first attempt was to induce an oscillating reaction of H2O2 and KI using Malonic acid and Mn2+ as catalysts. This reaction is known as Briggs-Rauscher Reaction. The result is a very visually striking reaction as seen in this video
The reaction is actually a series of very complicated sub-reactions. In this reaction we in a way fool the Iodine ions! After spending hours trying to understand the underlying chemistry when I actually got Malonic acid, my teachers asked me to pay Rs1400 for that acid! I had the acid bottle in my hand, I just had to open it and mix it! But who would pay that much for a small acid bottle?!! I would prefer a new pair of shoes! Failure.
After the misadventure with oscillating reaction I wanted to make a breath alcohol analyzer, the one you find with traffic police. And important compound needed for this analyzer was Ceric ammonium nitrate (NH4)2[Ce(NO3)6] and it was available in the chemistry lab! It is expected that the compound will change color from yellow to red, but the compound was already red! It was not going to give any test. Another failure.
Next I tried to make some sedatives. I made Chloretone and chloral. When I tried to make these I would get a nice sleep when I went back home! After sometime I realized that Chloretone is a very volatile solid, the entire yield went up in air! After successfully completing this experiment, I thought this project was not upto my standards! After all we are simply mixing some chemicals and extracting the products! Another Failure.
When it was a free period I went to give company to the other XII's section who were in Physics lab. They were having a demo of Transistors, LED and polarizers etc. The polarizer caught my attention and I played with it in the lab. And then I thought I could use this polarizer to measure optical rotation of active compounds! So I asked R.G. Gupta Sir to lend me that polarizer and he agreed!
I had to use a polarimeter to make the measurement of polarization. Polarimeters usually look like this:-
So obviously our school did not have it. So it was upto me to make my own polarimeter. I took a long gas jar, a petri dish, 2 polarizers, a protractor to measure angles, a stand and a adhesive tape!
After working hard on making it I finally did succeed! My polarimeter looked something like this:-
And for any one who came here just to copy my Chemistry project, don't worry I publish my project here .Press Ctrl+S and save it on your hard drive. Read this project file for all the details. I used glucose and sucrose as optically active substances and tried to optically invert sucrose. Weighing the sugars also took a lot of time. But constructing the polarimeter was very hard. We had to fix accurate reading of the polarimeter on whose basis further observations could be made. The glucose in the above pic looks brown because it has not been purified.
And finally I did succeed to make a high tech project!