Friday, November 25, 2011

Virtual Tour of IT-BHU Campus

After I got my branch and the institute where I would study after giving the JEE -  and that was electronics engineering at IT-BHU - i began searching for all the content I could find about the institute. Actually there was a dearth of images of the institute let alone any virtual tour. So I decided there that when  I reach there, I would make a virtual tour of the campus and finally I made it!
The website was made from scratch and required a lot of hard work. Click on the links on the left or the  markers on the map to see the panorama. panorama
You can also embed the website on your own website or blog using the iframe HTML tag <iframe src="" > </iframe>
The link of the website is
The website is embedded below -

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Action and Reaction Revisited

Do we do Action which is followed by Reaction or vice versa or they both happen at the same time?
Usually, when we push an object (i.e. Action) we immediately feel the Reaction so the the answer should be that they happen at the same time. Thus the question looks trivial. But further analysis shows this questions isn’t as trivial as it had seemed.
What happens when two interacting objects are at a distance? Like electromagnetic interaction between two objects in the space.
Let us assume an object A emits light towards an object B which is far away. The light emitted will take some time to reach the object B to act on it. So it would be expected that after the light reaches B, it would take the same time for the reaction to act on A. BUT the moment the object A emits light it would experience an opposite push and after some time the light will act on object B! Thus in reality there is an Advanced Reaction! That is reaction is experienced before the action!
This Advanced Reaction has many consequences.
Let us take the example of Gravitational attraction. The gravitational force too would travel at the speed of light and reach the other object after some time. The force F between two objects having mass M1 and M2 separated by a distance of R is given by
There would be a force of attraction between an object A and the different objects in the entire universe. Even though the distances between the far away objects maybe humongous still the reaction will be immediate! It does not matter how far an object would be, the object A will get immediate reaction from all the bodies in the universe irrespective of their distance! This immediate reaction can be in turn be used to measure the mass of the universe!
But still an question pops up!
What if a massive  object pops up in space from nowhere? Will it immediately experience the gravitational force from the entire universe or as the gravitational force takes some time to reach the other objects in the universe, the reaction will be delayed?
I guess the reaction from the entire universe will follow instantaneously after the object spawns! This would mean that there is a passive field in the space due to all the massive objects of the universe. The outer boundary of this field will enlarge with time! The reaction on the object will be instantaneous even though its action on the universe will take some time!
Similarly if the Sun disappears from space into nowhere its action will be felt by earth after some time! Earth will continue in its orbit even after 8 mins (i.e. the time light and gravity takes to reach earth).

Monday, March 7, 2011

Measuring the specific rotation of light: My chemistry board project!

My attempt to make an different project led to some cool results! Instead of copying any old chemistry project I marched forward to make an unique project. In this attempt I made several projects then after making them I scrapped them because they were not upto my standards!
My first attempt was to induce an oscillating reaction of H2O2 and KI using Malonic acid and Mn2+ as catalysts. This reaction is known as Briggs-Rauscher Reaction. The result is a very visually striking reaction as seen in this video

The reaction is actually a series of very complicated sub-reactions. In this reaction we in a way fool the Iodine ions! After spending hours trying to understand the underlying chemistry when I actually got Malonic acid, my teachers asked me to pay Rs1400 for that acid! I had the acid bottle in my hand, I just had to open it and mix it! But who would pay that much for a small acid bottle?!! I would prefer a new pair of shoes! Failure.
After the misadventure with oscillating reaction I wanted to make a breath alcohol analyzer, the one you find with traffic police. And important compound needed for this analyzer was Ceric ammonium nitrate (NH4)2[Ce(NO3)6] and it was available in the chemistry lab! It is expected that the compound will change color from yellow to red, but the compound was already red! It was not going to give any test. Another failure.
Next I tried to make some sedatives. I made Chloretone and chloral. When I tried to make these I would get a nice sleep when I went back home! After sometime I realized that Chloretone is a very volatile solid, the entire yield went up in air! After successfully completing this experiment, I thought this project was not upto my standards! After all we are simply mixing some chemicals and extracting the products! Another Failure.
When it was a free period I went to give company to the other XII's section who were in Physics lab. They were having a demo of Transistors, LED and polarizers etc. The polarizer caught my attention and I played with it in the lab. And then I thought I could use this polarizer to measure optical rotation of active compounds! So I asked R.G. Gupta Sir to lend me that polarizer and he agreed!
I had to use a polarimeter to make the measurement of polarization. Polarimeters usually look like this:-
So obviously our school did not have it. So it was upto me to make my own polarimeter. I took a long gas jar, a petri dish, 2 polarizers, a protractor to measure angles, a stand and a adhesive tape!
After working hard on making it I finally did succeed! My polarimeter looked something like this:-
And for any one who came here just to copy my Chemistry project, don't worry I publish my project here .Press Ctrl+S and save it on your hard drive. Read this project file for all the details. I used glucose and sucrose as optically active substances and tried to optically invert sucrose. Weighing the sugars also took a lot of time. But constructing the polarimeter was very hard. We had to fix accurate reading of the polarimeter on whose basis further observations could be made. The glucose in the above pic looks brown because it has not been purified.
And finally I did succeed to make a high tech project!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Must watch places in Google Maps!

Lets explore Google Maps!

Check these spectacular places on Google Maps:
1. Nuclear Craters- Area 51 Nevada, USA .
 See hundreds of nuclear craters formed by underground nuclear testing!
Check it out here:-

2. Firefox Logo- Oregon, USA
Who expects to find Firefox logo here?

3. Area 51 top secret base!!

4. INS Virat- Mazagon Docks, Mumbai
Check out India's sole Aircraft carrier docked for upgrades. But if you look north from here you will see another aircraft! How?

5. Lonar Crater Lake- India's own crater formed by a meteorite! 

6. Volcanoes in Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia.
All those brown/black spots are active volcanoes! Kamchatka is one of the most active volcanic regions on Earth!

7. Strange Star- Nevada, USA
It seems we are inviting the aliens!

8. Jamnagar Oil Refinery- Gujrat, India
Massive Oil Refinery! Zoom in and explore.

9. Satellite Launch Pad, Sriharikota, India

Friday, February 18, 2011

Massive flaw in National Cyber Olympiad Online Examination!

Want to get very high rank in National Cyber Olympiad(NCO) organized by the Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF)?
I discovered a flaw in class 8 which has been helping me and all my friends to get very good ranks in the second round of NCO which is an online examination format. I had it in my mind to mail the SOF  anonymously telling them about this flaw which I did now.

So here is that original mail which I mailed to the SOF which should make matters more clear:

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am a student of class 12. I have been giving the National Cyber Olympiad since
i was in class 8 and have qualified all subsequent years for the second round
which is an online test format. But I considered this to be my responsibility to
I discovered this bug in the software independently when i was in class 8 and
since then I have used it all subsequent years to secure high ranks.

The examination time is strictly 30 minutes in which we have to solve 30
questions, which is not considered enough time. Most people feel if they have
more time then they could get a better score and that is exactly what we achieve with this flaw.
While giving this exam if we press right-click, we get a dialogue box
announcing that this function is not allowed. This is supposed to prevent
cheating but that is exactly what it implements. It seems the software developers have
not noticed that the TIME CLOCK STOPS giving the examinee complete freedom to
complete the exam in whatever time he thinks is necessary. When we click the
submit test button too the clock stops. We can slide the dialogue box to some
corner and can continue solving the question. Even when we finish the exam after doing
all this our answers are correctly processed and we get our results! For example
this year i gave the exam in about 50 minutes! The year before I gave the exam
in about 75 minutes!
substantial ranks. The number of people using this can be somewhere in the 50s
according to me and many hundreds of people already know this. You wont me
believe if I start giving you specific examples, so lets not.

By the way if someone else (i mean some other organization) comes to know about
this you know what could happen so lets just prevent it from happening.

So consider this YOUR TOP PRIORITY to correct this flaw before it renders your
examination useless.

Yours truthfully,

And I did not receive any reply!!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Easiest way to hack your friend's email: if he is dumb

Ever wanted to gain control of your friend's email id? I will explain to you how to secure yourself from such an attack in this post.

This hacking episode took place just a few days back and let me give you all the details about this attempt. Take this as a case study:
The person whose account was to be hacked was Mayank Chauhan.
The people involved in this hacking were Nikhil Sharma, Saikat Banerjee and Tanmay Sharma.
It seems that Mayank had a fight with Nikhil Sharma. So Nikhil hacked all his ids. But Mayank was able to get access to his id again. Then he implemented some 'top securities' , and challenged Saikat to hack him now.
This group used both guessing and phishing to get control of his two email id in order to get control of his facebook but eventually failed as Mayank changed the id he associated with Facebook.

So let me present a third party view of this episode i was not involved in any way:
Nikhil used forgot password option to 'hack' his email. His secret questions were
Q1. What is your place of birth?
Ans1. Delhi!
This was quite obvious as he lives in Delhi-NCR
Q2. Who is your favorite cartoon character?
Ans2. Shinchan!
Most of his friends knew his favorite cartoon was Shinchan. This was basically an open secret!

One ID under control now turn of another....
This time they used more sophisticated technique of phishing. This method can only work if the victim is dumb and the person doing it has good brainwashing qualities. By the time his one ID had been compromised he himself tried to get control of Nikhil's account and he looked for the net for that. He even asked some of his friends to help him. But unfortunately he asked the help of some friends who too were involved in hacking mayank's id. Such a dumb person he is!! They brainwashed him by suggesting a method by which he could possible hack someone else's account. Get an idea from this pdf
This is completely rubbish and never try it! Make sure your security questions are very general but their answers should be very specific.People usually reveal a lot of personal information in Facebook which helps the hackers a lot. So avoid that.
And remember never hack anybody's id 'just for fun'. Hacking can get you in legal trouble so beware.
Any way I hope the following discussion with one of the conspirators will make it clear what actually happened:
me: Gimme more details
 Saikat: about
1:33 PM me: That episode
 Saikat: which episode bhai?
 me: Taking control
1:34 PM Saikat: hacking?
  jaldi bol
  i have to go
 me: Ha
  Which account did he use?
1:35 PM Saikat: :P
  first i brainwashed him
1:36 PM as nikhil as hacked his account... and he got it back.. he challenged me to hack him... so.. i found out this little trick..
  i told him that this is a method to hack nikhil
  i told him TO USE HIS OWN FB ID!
  so that i can get access to his :D
  he didnt use his fb id..
  and .. well..
  i could only get access to his new account
1:37 PM i hope you understood the trick?
 me: You took over nikhil's account?
 Saikat: NO
  i took over mayank's
  did you understand the trick?
  its just that..
1:38 PM me: No
 Saikat: wait.
  let me type
  ITS JUST THAT>.. i create a real LOOKING.. gmail server id...
  something like that
  and tell him
  you have to compose a mail... with
  the subject... PASSWORD RECOVERY
1:39 PM write the person's email id
  your id
  our own password
  (THIS IS THE TRICK.. he is giving us access to his own id without knowing that the officer thingy email id is ours only!!!!)
  then i give a stupid javascript code ( which doesnt work ofcourse)
  and tell him that this javascript..
  confuses the gmail server
1:40 PM and returns back the TARGET ID..
  which u gave first!
  its just brainwash and bang
 me: Good
 Saikat: he has no idea that he gives me access
  blog my name too :P
  inputs :P
 me: Okay
 Saikat: nice method.
  tanmay and i did it
  credit goes to tanmay
 me: The pdf you gave to me was made by you?
1:41 PM Saikat: no
  tanmay and i found a better
  we discussed shit.
  and introduced the IDEA
  of brainwashing
  its easy..
1:42 PM ok i am going
 me: Then what was that pdf?
 Saikat: well.. we read it..
  and closed it
 me: And?
 Saikat: we didnt even think about that
  i mean.
  we thought that it was shit
  but then tanmay and i came up with the idea of brainwashing
1:43 PM i brainwashed mayank
  if someone reads that pdf
  it wouldnt help him in anyway.
  not a single fool will try it
  i mean.. try to hack
 me: Mayank tried it?
 Saikat: yes
1:44 PM i brainwashed him pretty well.
 me: Well he asked me how to hack and i gave him that
 Saikat: .hahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha
 me: And what about
  The forgot password?
1:45 PM Saikat: hmmm its a difficult thingy guess work..
  nikhil hacked mayank's id using social engineering
  SE.. is one of 7 ways to hack
  other ways are keylogger
 me: Then why did you have to do all this when you guessed them
1:46 PM Saikat: mayank removed all his ids from facebook
  he had switched accounts..
  and i didnt know his new id
  which he was using for fb
  i had to implement this way
  to get his NEW ID
  and password at the same time
1:47 PM me: o...k
 Saikat: i am going now.
  are you going to give this convo in ur blog?
 me: so you got control of 2 id?
 Saikat: no
1:48 PM i thought i got control of two ids.. as i hacked gmail.. with this method... so i will get pass to fb as well!!
  but it turned out that
 me: That's a great idea
 Saikat: mayank had made another id
  and did it
  it was my mistake
  i should have told him in the beginning
  use a account
  which is 30 days old
  or frequently used!
 me: Hehe
 Saikat: OR
1:49 PM use the fb account u are using
  it only works with that
  do blog my name
  i have to take a bath now
  tere wageh se itne der se nahi gaya
 me: But he still has control of his account.
 Saikat: abe yaar
  the id i hacked
  it wasnt connected to his fb account!
  he had made a new id
  and did this shit
 me: good
1:50 PM Saikat: bhai
  ab main jaa raha hubn
  tell me when u r done with the blog
 me: Naha le!
 Saikat: bye Remember Hacking is not an Indoor Game. It is a sport to be played outside. In order to win, you will have to get your hands dirty

Sunday, February 13, 2011

FIITJEE results of every student is out there without even needing the passwords!

Forgot your web access code? Bah, I am not so innocent to tell people their passwords to check their results on FIITJEE website.
That sounds evil. >D
But the person who made the FIITJEE website s****.
Any way If you want to see anybody's results simply copy this to your browser's address bar
and replace the last number with the enrollment number of the student whose result you want to see!
If you look at it this way this is basically good for the FIITJEE students. As their result is accessible to all they have to be conscious of their marks the year round and for that they will study! Blogging is really a powerful medium! Hope I changed some lives!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Make phone calls to USA and Canada for FREE!

Google has introduced facility to call phones all over the world via gmail. And you can make phone calls to USA and Canada for FREE! Who doesn't like free, at least I do! But wonder how you haven't seen it yet?
  1. Either you don't live in the United States Of America (Even I don't live there!). This facility has been introduced only for people living there >.<
  2. You don't have Gmail video/voice call plugin installed. You can install it from here.
  3. Your Gmail language is not set to English(US).
You can easily control the options 2 and 3, but option 1 is very difficult to achieve if you don't already live there or you specially want to go there just to make free calls. (That would be lame)

So where was I?
Oh yes I was going to tell you how to get around the stigma of not being in USA and still being able to make free phone calls there.

Here are simple steps to access call function outside USA. This particular method is the best.
1. Go to and Click on the download button.   

2. A save file download box will open up. Click on Save button.

3. After it gets downloaded, launch this file by double clicking on it. Obviously! And just for you info the file you downloaded was just a downloader!

4. A download manager will pop up showing the progress.
5. Install the software and allow all the permissions it may need.
6. As soon as you finish, you can notice the Hotspot Shield icon in your taskbar.
7.Now your browser will be launched automatically (In case it doesn't do it manually). You get the following screen. Also notice that it will show connected in green if you are successfully connected.
8. Then you will be redirected to some site, close it and open the gmail site.
9.You will notice the Call Phone Option in your Gmail if you satisfy the conditions 2 and 3 mentioned at the top.
 10. Call your near (not exactly) and dear ones in USA AND CANADA FOR FREE!

  So what we did here is to fool Google to believe that we are in United States even though we are not.

Please comment if this works for you and your views about this article.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Overclocking your PC's GPU to get max performance!

We all want to get more performance out of our Computers for gaming but many times our computers disappoint us. So i hope to teach you the basics of overclocking your Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) to get more power for free! But let me clarify first that overclocking can also be extremely dangerous to your hardware if you don’t know what you're doing.
I tried over clocking on my laptop, even though people prefer to overclock their desktops. I did the temporary software based overclocking instead of messing with the BIOS or the hardware itself. I have a Nvidia GT 425M graphics card whose shader clock runs at 1120MHz and core runs at 560MHz and its memory frequency is 800MHz by default. I managed to get 180MHz more of shader clock frequency with ease. I still think I can increase these a lot but I want to be on the safer side. I have seen that a person has increased an identical laptop's shader speed to 1460MHz , core speed to 730MHz and memory clock to 900MHz.
I used a software called NVIDIA inspector even though you can use other softwares like ATI Tool and RivaTuner  . I will focus only on Nvidia inspector here as it seems to be the simplest for Nvidia Cards.
 Nvidia inspector doesn't even need to be installed, its a simple .exe file. When you run it click the Show Overclocking Button it shows a warning then you get a few sliders to work with. So when you are trying to overclock, first work on either the core clock or the memory clock. Not both simultaneously. Increase the clock speed of shader or memory in short increments of 10MHz-20MHz.  Keep slowly increasing the clock speed until you see some artifacts on your screen. Here artifacts means some lines, dots, grouped pixels, statics or anything unusual on the screen. When you see the artifacts reduce the speed by about 20-30MHz. Then stress test your GPU by playing some heavy game or running some 3D test. If everything is good then too then this speed would be the maximum clock speed of your shader or memory. All the while you do it make sure that your GPU does not over heat, monitor it constantly. The temperature of the card should not hit 90 degree Celsius.
Once you have found out your GPU's maximum speed save it by creating a shortcut. These settings do not load when you boot your PC so you will have to run this shortcut every time before you play a game.
Using default settings for my GPU i could get 22-24 frames per second at resolution of 1280x720 in Battlefield Bad Company 2 but after overclocking the frames per second jumped to 30-32 in a resolution of 1366x768! That's a lot of performance increase.
If you want to achieve even higher overclocking then buy some better cooling system for your PC or    BUY A NEW GRAPHICS CARD! :D

Monday, February 7, 2011

Easiest way to benchmark your Computer's speed

Most of people simply wonder what 2.93GHz 6 M Cache with 4 GB DDR3 memory means? Does more of that equals more performance? If, yes then by how much? So stop worrying I have an easy solution for you to measure your computer's processing power.
Follow these steps:
  • Say ' Saurabh is great' 100 times
  • Transfer $10000 to my bank account.
Then you qualify to read this
  • Start Winrar
  • Press Alt+B
  • And wait for 20 seconds
And you're done! You will see a number in bold like this.
And for your info I ran this test in my 4.5 year old desktop. So expect your benchmarking to be much higher. My laptop gave me a benchmarking of about 2200. This value is basically the maximum speed by which your processor can compress or extract data. But this test cannot measure the speed of your computer's Graphics Processing unit unless it too lends a helping hand to the CPU. Do make sure you run this test and post your results in the comments.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

How To Generate Valid Credit Card Numbers!!

What do the credit card numbers mean and how are they generated? I need to start with a disclaimer: Do not use any credit card numbers, except your own, to buy things off internet. That's wrong and illegal. The purpose of this post is *not* to create fraudulent workable card numbers. It is to explain the math and the science behind those numbers that most of us see day in and day out; and hence this post should be viewed from a purely academic perspective.
Typical credit card anatomy
Before we understand how credit card numbers are generated, here is a brief explanation of what a typical credit card number means.
Out of the 16 numbers on a typical credit card, the set of first 6 digits is known as the issuer identifier number (read this for details), and the last digit is known as the “check digit” which is generated in such a way as to satisfy a certain condition (the Luhn or Mod 10 check). “Luhn check” is explained later in this post. The term sounds intimidating, but it’s really a very simple (and elegant) concept.
Taking away the 6 identifier digits and 1 check digit leaves us with 9 digits in the middle that form the “account number”.
Now, there are 10 possible numbers (from 0 to 9) that can be arranged in these 9 places. This gives rise to 109 combinations, that is, 1 billion possible account numbers (per issuer identifier).
With each account number, there is always an unique check digit associated (for a given issuer identifier and an account number, there cannot be more than one correct check digit)
Amex issues credit cards with15 digits. The account numbers in this case are 8 digit long.
What is the “Luhn” or “Mod 10? check?
In 1954, Hans Luhn of IBM proposed an algorithm to be used as a validity criterion for a given set of numbers. Almost all credit card numbers are generated following this validity criterion…also called as the Luhn check or the Mod 10 check. It goes without saying that the Luhn check is also used to verify a given existing card number. If a credit card number does not satisfy this check, it is not a valid number. For a 16 digit credit card number, the Luhn check can be described as follows:
Starting with the check digit, double the value of every second digit (never double the check digit). For example, in a 16 digit credit card number, double the 15th, 13th, 11th, 9th…digits (digits in odd places). In all, you will need to double eight digits.If doubling of a number results in a two digit number, add up the digits to get a single digit number. This will result in eight single digit numbers.Now, replace the digits in the odd places (in the original credit card number) with these new single digit numbers to get a new 16 digit number.Add up all the digits in this new number. If the final total is perfectly divisible by 10, then the credit card number is valid (Luhn check is satisfied), else it is invalid.
When credit card numbers are generated, the same steps are followed with one minor change. First, the issuer identifier and account numbers are assigned (issuer numbers are fixed for a given financial institution, whereas the account numbers are randomly allocated - I think). Then, the check digit is assumed to be some variable, say X. After this, the above steps are followed, and during the last step, X is chosen in such a way that it satisfies the Luhn check.
This part is a bit confusing and takes some time to understand. However, don’t get stuck here…continue reading through the examples below and you will figure out what this is all about.
Credit card numbers valid or invalid?
Have you ever wondered if those numbers on the fake plastic or cardboard credit cards that come with the “preapproved” offers are real or imaginary? If they are not valid, how do you know it?…Just apply the Luhn check and all the those fake credit cards will invariably fail.Here is an example of a VISA credit card (look at the expiry date - 01/09’s still valid !  )
Note that the credit card number starts with “4?…so it is indeed a VISA issued credit card (VISA cards start with “4? and MasterCard/Maestro cards start with “5?). Now, let us apply the Luhn algorithm to this card. To make it easier on you guys, I have created a schematic of the steps towards the Luhn check (below) for this card number 4552 7204 1234 5678:
In this case, when we sum up the total, it comes to 61 which is not perfectly divisible by 10, and hence this credit card number is invalid.
If such a credit card number is ever generated, the value of the check digit would be adjusted in such a way as to satisfy the Luhn condition. In this case, the only value of the check digit, that will create a valid credit card number, is 7. Choosing 7 as the check digit will bring the total to 60 (which is perfectly divisible by 10) and the Luhn condition will be satisfied. So the valid credit card number will be 4552 7204 1234 5677.
Let’s try another example, this time with a MasterCard.
Again, performing the Luhn check on the credit card number 5490 1234 5678 9121, we have:
The total comes to 65 which is not perfectly divisible by 10. Hence this credit card number is invalid.
In this case, a valid credit card number will result only if the check digit is 8. This will bring the total to 70 which is perfectly divisible by 10. So the valid credit card number will be 5490 1234 5678 9128.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Wolfram Mathematica: An excellent computational tool

Worlfram Mathematica is an amazing tool for any one interested in doing some research in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and applied Sciences. The software consists of the largest integrated web of mathematical capabilities and algorithms.This software is so powerful that it is even used in Supercomputers! This software can also be used as a programming language of its own. For example you want to plot a graph of the Ionization energy vs the Atomic Number, you enter a line and you get beautifully illustrated graph. This program has no limits to the precision of the number of digits that you can calculate. For example I calculated the value of Pi upto 10 million digits. You can see its value here Pi.txt. I uploaded it. And you can create beautiful interactive visualizations. For example you can create an interactive menu showing details about every Polyhedron as shown in the picture. I strongly recommend this software to every student, this will surely deepen his interest in the subject.
"Stop Teaching Calculating, Start Teaching Mathematics".

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Call Of Duty : Black Ops

Call Of Duty: Black Ops is a fantastic game. Make sure you see my self-recorded video playing Black Ops in High Definition!! It takes a lot of effort to record a video, encode it and then upload it all in HD. This clip is from a mission called The Defector

Sunday, January 16, 2011

100 Greatest Rock Guitar Solos

Here I present before you the HOLY GRAIL of rock music 100 Greatest Rock Guitar Solos which comprises of solos of every rock genre. Believe me this list has been a key to my endeavor in rock music.

100 Greatest Rock Guitar Solos-
001) Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven
002) Van Halen - Eruption
003) Lynyrd Skynyrd - Freebird

004) Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb
005) Jimi Hendrix - All Along the Watchtower
006) Guns N' Roses - November Rain
007) Metallica - One

008) Eagles - Hotel California
009) Black Sabbath - Crazy Train
010) Cream - Crossroads
011) Jimi Hendrix - Voodoo Child (Slight Return)

012) Chuck Berry - Johnny B. Goode
013) Stevie Ray Vaughan - Texas Flood
014) Derek and the Dominos - Layla
015) Deep Purple - Highway Star
016) Led Zeppelin - Heartbreaker
017) Eric Johnson - Cliffs of Dover

018) Jimi Hendrix - Little Wing
019) Pantera - Floods
020) Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody
021) Pink Floyd - Time
022) Dire Straits - Sultans of Swing

023) Rage Against The Machine - Bulls on Parade
024) Metallica - Fade to Black
025) Jethro Tull - Aqualung

026) Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit
027) Stevie Ray Vaughan - Pride and Joy
028) Ozzy Ozborne - Mr. Crowley
029) Steve Vai - For the Love of God
030) Joe Satriani - Surfing With the Alien
031) Ted Nugent - Stranglehold
032) Jimi Hendrix - Machine Gun

033) B.B King - The Thrill Is Gone
034) Radiohead - Paranoid Android
035) Pantera - Cemetery Gates
036) Yngwie Malmsteen - Black Star

037) Guns N' Roses - Sweet Child O' Mine
038) Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love
039) Neil Young - Cortez the Killer
040) Steely Dan - Reelin' in the Years
041) Queen - Brighton Rock
042) Beatles - While My Guitar Gently Weeps
043) ZZ Top - Sharp Dressed Man
044) Pearl Jam - Alive

045) Doors - Light My Fire
046) Van Halen - Hot for Teacher
047) Allman Brothers Band - Jessica
048) Rolling Stones - Sympathy for the Devil
049) Santana - Europa
050) Kiss - Shock Me
051) Ozzie Ozborne - No More Tears
052) Jimi Hendrix - Star-Spangled Banner
053) Led Zeppelin - Since I've Been Loving You
054) Smashing Pumpkins - Geek USA
055) Joe Satriani - Satch Boogie
056) Black Sabbath - War Pigs

057) Pantera - Walk
058) Eric Clapton - Cocaine

059) Kinks - You Really Got Me
060) Frank Zappa - Zoot Allures
061) Metallica - Master of Puppets
062) Pink Floyd - Money

063) Red Hot Chili Peppers - Scar Tissue
064) Prince - Little Red Corvette
065) Allman Brothers - Blue Sky
066) Iron Maiden - The Number of the Beast
067) Michael Jackson feat. Eddie Van Halen - Beat It
068) Yes - Starship Trooper
069) Beatles - And Your Bird Can Sing

070) Jimi Hendrix - Purple Haze
071) Funkadelic - Maggot Brain
072) Aerosmith - Walk This Way
073) Phish - Stash

074) Deep Purple - Lazy
075) The Who - Won't Get Fooled Again

076) Neil Young - Cinnamon Girl
077) Alice In Chains - Man in the Box
078) Grateful Dead - Truckin'
079) Van Halen - Mean Street
080) AC-DC - You Shook Me All Night Long
081) The Velvet Underground - Sweet Jane
082) King Crimson - 21st Century Schizoid Man
083) Stevie Ray Vaughan - Scuttle Buttin'

084) UFO - Lights Out
085) David Bowie - Moonage Daydream
086) Allman Brothers Band - Whipping Post
087) Johnny Winter - Highway 61 Revisited
088) Steely Dan - Kid Charlemagne
089) Rage Against the Machine - Killing in the Name
090) Eric Clapton - Let It Rain
091) Creedence Clearwater Revival - Heard It Through the Grapevine

092) Stray Cats - Stray Cat Strut
093) The Doors - The End
094) Rush - Working Man
095) Pearl Jam - Yellow Ledbetter
096) Rolling Stones - Honky Tonk Woman
097) Judas Priest - Beyond the Realms of Death
098) Dream Theater - Under a Glass Moon
099) Jeff Beck - 'Cause We've Ended as Lovers
100) Bon Jovi - Wanted Dead or Alive

A few of my favorite guitar solos (not included above):-
  • Dreamtheater - Hollow Years Live at Budokan
  • Michael Angelo - Planet Gemini
  • Nitro - Freight Train
  • Judas Priest- Beyond The Realms Of Death
  • Judas Priest - Painkiller
  • Metallica - Orion
  • Pantera - Domination
  • Racer X- Technical Difficulties

Do comment your views....

Friday, January 14, 2011

INSIRE scholarship in basic sciences

I am also a person with scientific bent of mind so I thought I should help some of my fellas when it comes to science. INSPIRE is a highly rewarding but poorly publicized scholarship programs by govt. of India. It rewards you with Rs. 80000 for a year for taking Bachelor of Sciences and Master of Sciences. There are 10000 nos of scholarships available but I recently read that only 1500 of them are actually awarded as they fail to find students who might take this scholarship. So if you are interested to get Rs. 80000 as pocket money in Bachelor and Masters level (Which adds up to 4 Lakhs in 5 years) you may want to look at the following criteria for eligibility:-
  1. Top 1% in both 10th and 12th boards
  2. Getting within 10000 rank in IIT-JEE or getting within 20000 rank in AIEEE or clearing CBSE-medical
  3. If you join IISER (for those who don't know what this is I don't blame you), Join Department of atomic energy at Univ. of Mumbai; or if you happen to be the NTSE scholar, Olympiads medalists or KVPY Fellows(Like me!), or Jagdish Bose Science Talent Search scholars you are eligibile for the  'SHE Scholarship'. Don't worry it is open for males too!(pun intended)
You have to qualify ANY ONE of the above 3 criteria.
    Check all the details here and I hope I changed some lives!

    Google translation bots!

    I recently, went through a bunch of Google translation bots. These bots can be pretty fun to time-pass with. You simply type in one language and they chat back the translated texts. It can be pretty useful when talking with international clients or co-workers. For example if you want to convert English into Hindi you add to your friends lists and you are ready to go! I also played a prank using this bot. I added the English to Hindi bot to a group chat and every thing my friends wrote got translated into Hindi and every one was clueless what was going on. They thought I was personally translating the text, who has so much time to translate when I can employ robots! You can get the full lists of chat bots here. Enjoy fooling your friends.

    My new laptop!

    I recently bought a laptop and I am quite excited about it. It is a Dell XPS 14 L401x with the best in class configuration including Intel Core i7 740QM processor which can process data upto 2.93 GHz, 2 GB Nvidia GT425M GPU having 96 CUDA cores and 4GB of 1333MHz RAM. Even though it has such high specs it cost me only Rs.58500 after Rs5000 discount!(I know this amount is not small but this is the best config one can get in this price).
    Performance: The high specs doesn't leave anything to complain. I can multitask easily, even if I open multiple heavy applications simultaneously the system does not seem to budge even a bit. Being a gaming enthusiast the games I could get my hands which includes COD:Black Ops, Battlefield Bad Company 2, Bioshock and Hitman:Blood money; ran pretty well in almost full settings and in high fps.But one complaint while playing Battlefield Bad Company 2 is that the Frames per Second(fps) dropped below 30 whenever I tried to use my gun's scope, which made aiming difficult and I had to lower settings.
    Look and feel: Well, the design of the laptop isn't the best available nor it is poor, middle of the order instead. The body is made up of Black and grey plastic which seems sturdy under use. The back cover of the laptop is anodized aluminum even though it might seem to be plastic. The laptop is bundled with several ports which includes 2 USB ports, 1 USB/eSATA port, 1 HDMI port,2 audio out, 1 ethernet port, power port and one port which I cannot identify!

    Speakers: A section dedicated to speakers may seem odd but it is worth it. The 6 watt JBL speakers in the laptop is claimed to be the best in the planet by DELL! And so it is, it is the crispiest, clearest and loudest of all laptop speakers I have heard to date. I rarely use my headphones as I dont need to! The laptop also has a HD webcam which takes HD videos pretty well along with audio as it also has embedded microphones.
    Battery life and software: Frankly I expected my laptop's battery to last longer. It usually lasts about 2 hours something minutes on full charge. But while playing demanding games, it comes down to 1 hour and something minutes. I can partially blame it on the demanding specs; The processor itself can eat 45W of power during burn. The included softwares include Skype, Mcafee Antivirus, Dell Dock and Roxio burn. The no. of softwares doesn't really matter as I have my sources! :P

    My first blog!

    Welcome to my first blog post among the multitudes to come. It was in my mind to start my own blog but I stayed away from it until NOW!
    So I am a no-nonsense kind of person aspiring to be a scientist or computer scientist! and I am going to talk mostly about general interesting stuff including my ideas, some computer related tips, gaming and  some Metal songs. \m/
    Hope you enjoy!

    and visit the website that I made for my school's IT fest